
Smart Donations

Hello!, i just deployed my first WordPress plugin, Smart Donations. This plugin lets you pick different styles of donations and add them to your posts (as a shortcode) or to any sidebar (as a widget). Currently i am supporting four styles of donations:


Type of Donations

  • Classic: Just the classic paypal button, you can configure it to show the credit card logos or not.
  • Text Box: A paypal button with a textbox so the donators can set the amout they want to donate right away.
  • Three Buttons: Three paypal buttons that you can configure with any quantity that you want.
  • Slider: This one is my favorite :). It shows a bar with the quantity that the donator is gong to donate and a happy face that gets happier as the user is scrolling forward or not that happy if the user scroll backward:

And here are some examples using wepay:

This is the classic donation


And this is an slider

[sdonations]7[/sdonations] You can get the plugin here:


I added two progress indicators!!




About the Author:

Im programmer working for an international company. I have programmed since i was 12 and i have done it professionally for 6 years. Programming for a company is fun and i have learned a lot of things but i have always been interested in running my own business so i decided to give it a shot doing what i do best, programming stuffs.
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